A Start Up Loan for Your New Business
If you have decided to start up your own business, congratulations on your decision! It’ll take a lot of hard work and dedication to make your business a success but it’ll take plenty more of one other thing to keep your business going: money. If you are ready to get your business going, don’t overlook obtaining a start up loan as the extra bit of cash you get now can help you avoid problems later on.
Most new businesses run into a cash flow problem at some point in the course of their operation. Usually, these times are not possible to anticipate; they simply come along without warning and before you know it the well runs dry.
To move through difficult times, all businesses should have a ready reserve of cash on hand to weather the battle. Unfortunately, most small businesses do not have adequate resources to truly maintain operations during slow times. Thus, most will go belly up due to lack of funding.
Fortunately, you don’t have to have an endless stream of cash to survive. Lenders, especially those geared toward helping small businesses, have lending plans available to meet the needs of cash strapped sole proprietors and other business folks survive. In many cases you can borrow up to $50,000 without documentation, more if you are willing to supply tax returns and other important financial information.
So, just how do you obtain a start up loan? Well, the first thing is to google a search for lenders who offer start up loans. Well known companies such as American Express as well as local lending institutions all work with small businesses. Typically, you can get an unsecured loan for up to $50,000 for you business. This means:
--No financial paperwork will be required.
--No collateral will be required.
--Applications are usually short, two pages or less.
--Your application will be reviewed and approved ASAP.
--In some cases a lender will not restrict how you may use the funds.
In many cases having your business borrow the funds protects your personal assets in the event your company does fail. Check your local laws but an LLC business loan means that only your business is responsible for the loan in the event you default.
Of course, you should be aware of any application fees or any hidden fees associated with the loan. Make certain that all of the terms are properly spelled out including loan amount, term, and repayment schedule. Once you are comfortable with the terms then go ahead and start your business.
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