Free First Time Payday Loan or Cash Advance
Many payday loan companies offer a free first time payday loan or cash advance to their first time customers. This simply means that they get free or low interest with no extra fees and charges. Payday loans are short-term cash advances taken to meet emergency financial needs. They are a perfect solution for the emergencies when you need a little extra cash for unexpected expenses or even special occasions.
Payday loans are generally paid back within two weeks. However, you can extend the payday loan. To extend a payday loan you simply make at least the minimum payment owed on the cash advance. First-time borrowers usually can receive a loan of up to three hundred dollars, which is applied to ensure that they are a legitimate customer and able to repay the loan.
Some payday loan companies offer their customers a free first time cash advance. This offer usually waives the small processing fee and charges a lower interest rate on the loan. Online application for the loan can be done completely online on the Internet without any difficulty. Most of payday loan companies now offer no faxing application which means that the applicant does not have to submit any documents as part of the application process. This allows for a truly paperless, fax less and inexpensive loan.
Requirements for first time borrower
In addition to basic payday loan requirements, there are some criteria that you have to meet in order to become eligible for first time payday loan borrower:
- Not having applied for a payday loan in the past or from the present company
- The applicant must have a checking account that is at least 3 months old
- The applicant must be currently employed, making at least one thousand dollars take home salary per month
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